Proceedings: JPCM

CODEF Conf. Secretary
c/o SFB TR6, Heike Kaminski
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1, Geb. 25.32
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

Tel.: +49-211/81-12746
Fax.: +49-211/81-12262

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Scope of Conference

Specific topics include

Soft matter in general and colloidal dispersions in particular are characterized by their susceptibility to manipulation by even weak external fields. The scientific focus of the conference is on the physics of colloids in confining geometries, under shear, as well as in electric, laser-optical and magnetic fields. Self-organization phenomena in equilibrium and non-equilibrium, where colloidal dispersions play a pivotal role as model systems, will be discussed. Particular emphasis will be put on the combined use of complementary methods, such as experiment, computer simulation and theory.

The conference is held in conjunction with the Collaborative Research Center Transregio SFB TR6 with the title "Physics of Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields".

  • hydrodynamic interaction
  • colloids under flow
  • phase transition induced by external fields
  • real-space imaging and scattering
  • theoretical models and simulation techniques