Organizing Committee
K. Binder (Mainz), A. van Blaaderen (Utrecht), J.K.G. Dhont (Jülich), T. Gisler (Konstanz), K.Kremer (Mainz),
H.N.W. Lekkerkerker (Utrecht), C.N. Likos (Düsseldorf), H. Löwen (Düsseldorf), G. Maret (Konstanz),
P. Nielaba (Konstanz), T. Palberg (Mainz)
Local Organizing Committee
J.K.G. Dhont, H. Kaminski, C.N. Likos, H. Löwen (Chair)
Conference Secretary
H. Kaminski
CODEF Conf. Secretary
c/o SFB TR 6, Heike Kaminski
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1, Geb. 25.32
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
The conference
will take place at the Gustav-Stresemann-Center Bonn (Bad-Godesberg), where accommodation will be provided as well.
Start of
the conference
of the conference