Where will I stay? Doubleroom with whom? Getting to the "GSI" Getting to the "Insel Hotel" Getting from the "Insel Hotel" to the "GSI"

Where will I stay?

The conference will take place at the GSI.
Due to the large number of participants, some people will stay at the Insel Hotel instead of the GSI. Please check where you will stay in the table below.
We are sorry for any occurring inconveniences.

A up
O. Alarcón-Waess ( Universidad de las Américas, Puebla - Mexico ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Allen ( University of Warwick - United Kingdom ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. L. Arauz-Lara ( Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi - Mexico ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
L. Assoud ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
G. K. Auernhammer ( Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
B up
R. Backofen ( TU Dresden - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Balbás-Gambra ( Arnold-Sommerfeld Center, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Bammert ( University of Bayreuth - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Baptista ( Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J.-L. Barrat ( Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiere Condensée et Nanostructures - France ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Bier ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
K. Binder ( Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R. Blaak ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
V. Blickle ( Universität Stuttgart - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
D. Block ( Christian Albrechts Universität zu Kiel - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. Böhm ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
V. Botan ( Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. P. Bouchaud ( CEA - Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé - France ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Brader ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. Brambilla ( Université Montpellier II - France ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
W. J. Briels ( University of Twente - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Brinkmann ( MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
C. Brunet ( Université Paris Est - France ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
C up
M. A. Camargo Chaparro ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
R. Castañeda Priego ( Universidad de Guanajuato - Mexico ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. J. Cerdà Pino ( Johann Wolfgang Goethe University - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Chatterji ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Chavez-Paez ( Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi - Mexico ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Chremos ( The University of Edinburgh - Scotland, UK ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
D. Y. H. Chui ( Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
D up
T. Das ( S. N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences - India ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
D. Deb ( Karl-Franzens-University Graz - Austria ) 30.3.-3.4.08GSI
C. Dellago ( University of Vienna - Austria ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Dhont ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. Dillmann ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. Dominguez ( Leipzig University - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Duits ( University of Twente - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
B. Dünweg ( Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
W. S. B. Dwandaru ( Bristol University - United Kingdom (UK) ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
E up
F. Ebert ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. Egelhaaf ( Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
E. Eggen ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R. Eichhorn ( Universität Bielefeld - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
E. Eiser ( University of Cambridge - United Kingdom ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
H. B. Eral ( University of Twente - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Erbe ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
F up
L. Filion ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. Foffi ( Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) - Switzerland ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Fornleitner ( Technische Universität Wien - Austria ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
K. Franzrahe ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
D. Frenkel ( Cambridge University - United Kingdom) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Fuchs ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. Fytas ( FORTH/In. Electronic Structure and Laser - Greece ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
G up
P. Garstecki ( Polish Academy of Sciences - Poland ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
I. Gazuz ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
N. Geerts ( FOM Institute AMOLF - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. Gompper ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
E. Gonzalez-Tovar ( Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi - Mexico ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
I. Götze ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. Grandner ( Technische Universität Berlin - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
L. Gránásy ( Brunel University West London - United Kingdom ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
C. Gutsche ( Leipzig University - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
H up
D. Hajnal ( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R. Hanes ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
A. Härtel ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
P. Henseler ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
C. Hertlein ( Universität Stuttgart - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
C. Holm ( MPI Mainz - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
J. Hoogenboom ( ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences - Spain ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. Hopkins ( Bristol University - United KIngdom ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Horbach ( Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
C.-C. Huang ( Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
K. Huang ( Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. Huißmann ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
M. Humar ( Jozef Stefan Institute - Slovenia ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
I up
S. Iacopini ( Johannes Gutenberg Universität - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Imhof ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Ivlev ( MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J up
K. Jacobs ( Universität des Saarlandes - Germany ) 1.4.-2.4.08GSI
J. Jakobi ( Laser Zentrum Hannover - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
O. Jansen ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
M. Jenkins ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Jordanovic ( Technische Universität Berlin - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. Jungblut ( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
K up
M. Kahn ( TU Wien - Austria ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
T. Kalwarczyk ( Polish Academy of Sciences - Poland ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
K. Kegler ( University of Leipzig - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. Keim ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
Z. Keqin ( National University of Singapore - Singapore ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
U. F. Keyser ( Universität Leipzig - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
T. Köller ( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
K. Kremer ( Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research - Germany ) 31.3.-1.4.08GSI
M. Krüger ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Kuijk ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
L up
P. Lang ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany )   
M. Laurati ( Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
W. Lechner ( University of Vienna - Austria ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
H. Lehle ( MPI für Metallforschung - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. Leiderer ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
H. Lekkerkerker ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. Lettinga ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Libal ( Johns Hopkins University - United States of America ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
C. N. Likos ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
B. Lonetti ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
N. J. Lorenz ( Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
H. Löwen ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M up
H. Maleki ( Johannes Gutenberg Universität - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J.-G. Malherbe ( Université Paris Est - France ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Marechal ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
G. Maret ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 31.3.-3.4.08GSI
C. Mayer ( Universita' di Roma “La Sapienza” - Italy ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
S. Mazoyer ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. McPhie ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
M. Medina-Noyola ( Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi - Mexico ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Melzer ( Institut für Physik - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Menéndez-Manjón ( Laser Zentrum Hannover - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R. Messina ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
H. Michiel ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
P. Mishra ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
B. Moser ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
N up
G. Nägele ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R. R. Netz ( TU Munich - Germany ) 31.3.-1.4.08GSI
P. Nielaba ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 31.3.-1.4.08GSI
E. Noruzifar ( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
O up
M. Oettel ( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
O. Otto ( University of Leipzig - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. Overduin ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
E. C. Oğuz ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
P up
T. Palberg ( Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. Pauschenwein ( Institut für Theoretische Physik - Austria ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. Pellicane ( Università di Messina - Italy ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
F. Pesth ( Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
P. Pfleiderer ( Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
D. J. Pine ( New York University - United States of America ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
D. Pini ( Universita' degli Studi di Milano - Italy ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R up
H. Reiber ( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
V. Reshetnyak ( National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv - Ukraine ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Rex ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
M. Ripoll ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
M. Roth ( MPI-P Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. Royall ( University of Bristol - United Kingdom ) 29.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Rubin-Zuzic ( MPI Garching - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S up
T. Schilling ( Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-1.4.08GSI
A. Schmidt ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
M. Schmiedeberg ( Technische Universität Berlin - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
H. J. Schöpe ( Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. Schreiber ( Universität Bayreuth - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
B. Schumann ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
F. Sciortino ( Universitá di Roma La Sapienza - Italy ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
L. Shapran-Reiber ( Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Siebenbürger ( Universität Bayreuth - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. P. Singh ( Jawaharlal Nehru University - India ) 30.3.-3.4.08GSI
R. Siquieri ( RWTH-Aachen - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
F. Smallenburg ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
I. Snook ( RMIT - Australia ) 30.3.-3.4.08GSI
J. Stellbrink ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
E. Stiakakis ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
T. Szymborski ( Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Poland ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
T up
H. Tanaka ( Hajime Tanaka Laboratory - Japan ) 29.3.-3.4.08GSI
P. Tierno ( Universitat Barcelona - Spain ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
U. Tkalec ( Jožef Stefan Institute - Slovenia ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Tsigkri ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
T. Tückmantel ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
V up
C. Valeriani ( University of Edinburgh - United Kingdom ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. van Blaaderen ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
E. van den Pol ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
J. van Meel ( FOM Institute AMOLF - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. van Oostrum ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
R. van Roij ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
S. van Teeffelen ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
L. Verhoeff ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 31.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
E. Vermolen ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R. Vink ( University of Göttingen - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
P. Virnau ( Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
T. Voigtmann ( German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Germany )   
D. Vollmer ( Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
G. J. Vroege ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
H. R. Vutukuri ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
W up
C. Walz ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
M. Walz ( University of Erlangen-Nürnberg - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
D. A. Weitz ( Harvard University - United States of America ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Wenk ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
R. Wensink ( Imperial College London - United Kingdom ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
F. Weyßer ( Universität Konstanz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
L. Willner ( Forschungszentrum Jülich - Germany )   
R. G. Winkler ( Research Centre Juelich - Germany ) 31.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Wynveen ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
A. Wysocki ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
Z up
J. Zausch ( Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
J. Zhao ( MPI Mainz - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
M. Zientara ( Konstanz University - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI
U. Zimmermann ( Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf - Germany ) 30.3.-2.4.08Insel Hotel
J. Zwanikken ( Utrecht University - The Netherlands ) 30.3.-2.4.08GSI


Doubleroom with whom?

Gustav Stresemann Institut
Balbás-Gambra, M.withFornleitner, J.
Bammert, J.withSchreiber, S.
Blickle, V.withHertlein, C.
Brambilla, G.withBrunet, C.
Brinkmann, M.withHuang, K.
Chremos, A.withHopkins, P.
Das, T.withDeb, D.
Dillmann, P.withEbert, F.
Dwandaru, W.S.B.withDwandaru
Eiser, E.withFrenkel, D.
Eggen, E.withZwanikken, J.
Eral, H.B.withSmallenburg, F.
Filion, L.withVermolen, E.
Gazuz, I.withKrüger, M.
Geerts, N.withvan Meel, J.
Grandner, S.withWalz, M.
Hajnal, D.withMaleki, H.
Jordanovic, J.withLorenz, N.J.
Jungblut, S.withKöller, T.
Kahn, M.withPauschenwein, G.
Kalwarczyk, T.withSzymborski, T.
Lechner, W.withPellicane, G.
Mishra, P.withSingh, S.P.
Otto, O.withSchmiedeberg, M.
Pfleiderer, P.withZausch, J.
Reiber, H.withShapran-Reiber, L.
Reshetnyak, V.withReshetnyak
Roth, M.withZhao, J.
Siebenbürger, M.withTsigkri, A.
Snook, I.withSnook
Insel Hotel
Assoud, L.withOğuz, E.C.
Franzrahe, K.withKuijk, A.
Hanes, R.withSiquieri,R.
Härtel, A.withvan Teeffelen, S.
Huißmann, S.withZimmermann, U.
Marechal, M.withMichiel, H.
Noruzifar, E.withPesth, F.
Tückmantel, T.withWysocki, A.
van Oostrum, P.withVutukuri, H.R.
Walz, C.withWeyßer, F.
Camargo Chaparro, M. A.withStiakakis
Jansen, O.withRex, M.
van den Pol, E.withVerhoeff, L.


Getting to the "GSI"

How to Reach Bonn-Bad Godesberg and the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V.

for more information click on picture

by air by train by car
Airport Köln/Bonn
  • Bus Nr. 670 until Hauptbahnhof
  • underground line 16 or 63, direction Bad Godesberg
  • Stop Max-Löbner-Straße
  • go along the „Max-Löbner-Straße”. At the end turn left into the street called „Langen Grabenweg” - on the right side there is the GSI

Düsseldorf Airport
  • underground to Düsseldorf HBF
  • trains (RE, EC, IC, ICE) to Bonn HBF are frequently available
  • underground linie 16 oder 63, direction Bad Godesberg
  • Stop Max-Löbner-Straße
  • go along the „Max-Löbner-Straße”. At the end turn left into the street called „Langen Grabenweg” - on the right side there is the GSI
from Bonn HBF
  • underground line 16 or 63, direction Bad Godesberg
  • stop Max-Löbner-Straße
  • go along the „Max-Löbner-Straße”. At the end turn left into the street called „Langen Grabenweg” - on the right side there is the GSI
from Frankfurt/Hannover/Ruhrgebiet
  • A3, AB-Kreuz Bonn/Siegburg
  • A560, Bonn until AB-Dreieck St. Augustin
  • A59, Bonn-Bad Godesberg to AK Bonn-Ost (42)
  • A562 exit Rheinaue, turn left; next trafic light turn right, Heinemannstr.
  • pass 1 trafic light, next possibility U-Turn, car-park after 100m right hand side

from the left hand side of Rhein river
  • A61, AB-Kreuz Meckenheim
  • A565 Richtung Bonn
  • exit Poppelsdorf, direction Bad Godesberg (B9)
  • in front of the ADAC multistory building/BP-petrol station turn left into the
  • Max-Löbner-Straße, at the end, lefthand GSI


Getting to the "Insel Hotel"

How to Reach Bonn-Bad Godesberg and the Insel Hotel

by air by train by car
Airport Köln/Bonn
  • Bus Nr. 670 until Hauptbahnhof
  • underground line 16 or 63, direction Bad Godesberg
  • Travel until the last but one stop (Bad Godesberg train station).
  • Leave the station through the exit „Alte Bahnhofstraße” and follow this shopping street. Cross „Koblenzer Straße” at the end and continue straight on along the „Theaterplatz” (theatre plaza).
  • After about 100 m you´ll see a fountain and the Insel Hotel with restaurant und café lefthandside.

Düsseldorf Airport
  • underground to Düsseldorf HBF
  • trains (RE, EC, IC, ICE) to Bonn HBF are frequently available
  • Travel until the last but one stop (Bad Godesberg train station).
  • Leave the station through the exit „Alte Bahnhofstraße” and follow this shopping street. Cross „Koblenzer Straße” at the end and continue straight on along the „Theaterplatz” (theatre plaza).
  • After about 100 m you´ll see a fountain and the Insel Hotel with restaurant und café lefthandside.
from Bonn HBF
  • underground line 16 or 63, direction Bad Godesberg
  • Travel until the last but one stop (Bad Godesberg train station).
  • Leave the station through the exit „Alte Bahnhofstraße” and follow this shopping street. Cross „Koblenzer Straße” at the end and continue straight on along the „Theaterplatz” (theatre plaza).
  • After about 100 m you´ll see a fountain and the Insel Hotel with restaurant und café lefthandside.
Using a navigation computer please enter "Am Kurpark 3" as your destination, do not enter „Theaterplatz”!

from Frankfurt/Hannover/Ruhrgebiet
  • A59, Bonn-Bad Godesberg take the exit „Bad Godesberg”
  • Follow the signage to „Bad Godesberg” from there
  • This leads you directly onto the B9 road heading „Koblenz / Bad Godesberg”
  • After about 2 km the B9 leads into a roadtunnel
  • Take the right tunnel entrance and enter the tunnel heading „Muffendorf/Heiderhof”.
  • In the tunnel (Attention 2 radarcontrols / speedcameras) change to the left lane and stay upon there.
  • After the tunnel exit turn right before the traffic light and follow the road.
  • You´ll find the car-park 20 m after the first left turn, recognisable by the parking sign and the green-white flags.

from the left hand side of Rhein river
  • A61, AB-Kreuz Meckenheim
  • A565 Richtung Bonn
  • Drive along until you reach the exit "Meckenheim" and leave the motorway heading Bad Godesberg.
  • After appr. 7 km along the road (Attention radarcontrols / speedcameras) you reach Bad Godesberg
  • Turn right into „Brunnenallee“ at the first traffic light
  • Follow the main road until you see the „Kurpark” righthandside
  • The car-park lies to your left, between the houses no. 3 and no. 1


Getting from the "Insel Hotel" to the "GSI"

by tram / underground by car
2,6km about 5min
  • Take the underground at Mainstation „Bad Godesberg” Line 16 or 63 direction Bonn (they depart every 5 to 7 minutes)
  • drop of at the stop „Max-Löbner-Straße”
  • go along the „Max-Löbner-Straße”. At the end turn left into the street called „Langen Grabenweg” - on the right side there is the GSI
2,8km about 6min
  • southwest on „Villichgasse” direction „Michaelplatz”
  • at „Aennichplatz”(L158) turn right (continue L158)
  • stay left - at the „Bonner Straße”(L158)
  • stay left at B9 „Bad Godesberger tunnel” (follow B9)
  • turn right into „Max-Löbner-Straße”
  • when you reach the street „Langer Grabenweg” turn left into it.
  • Watch out for a place to park your car.
CODEF II Conf. Secretary
c/o SFB TR6, S. Böhm
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1, Geb. 25.32
40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

Tel.: +49-211/81-12746
Fax.: +49-211/81-12262
